Head Office Management & Engineering
The L. & M. Precision Products Inc. Head Office Management & Engineering teams have an extensive depth of experience and expertise in the precision manufacturing industry and take pride in producing top-quality precision manufactured products and components for clients.
President & General Manager Thomas Liew, P. Eng.
Customer Service / Estimator Pam Liehr
Purchasing Manager Frank Liehr
Controller Michael Birch, MBA, CPA, CMA
Quality Assurance/Control Manager Colin Thai
Shipping Manager Randy Ramnauth
Professional Engineers Ed Grandy, P.Eng., FEC. & Ping-Kee Woo, P.Eng.
Shipping Department
With the leadership of the Shipping Manager, the Shipping Team maximizes efficiency to effectively manage customer inventory – from storage, through packing and shipping.
Quality Assurance/Quality Control Department
Dedicated and qualified quality assurance employees are committed to ensuring efficient, high quality parts production.
First Operations Teams
Highly skilled set-up machinists and operators that are passionate about the quality of their work.
Secondary Operations Team
Industrious, detail-oriented operators and set-up experts producing parts that meet customer specifications.